20 days to go

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So it's only 20 days to go till my birthday. I can't believe that. Usually it takes ages for my birthday to come around but this year is zooming by. It's around this time that my family usually starts asking me what I want for a birthday present and I usually say - "I don't know." Well for once, this year I actually know what I want.

1. A pair of Crocs (which I found out that my local Rebel Sport sell-woo hoo)
Loved these shoes ever since I tried a pair on at Katie's house (their house is like Croc city!) so I am hoping to get myself a pair of these bad boys for myself. They are supposed to be like the most comfy shoes ever. I may even have to get two pairs - it's too hard to choose what colour i want. There's like 20 different colours - pink, khaki, chocolate, navy, lime, light blue, orange, red.. the list goes on!!

2. Toteally Cool tote from AMM
Loving this funky little scrapbooking bag to hold all my pens and tools in. And loving the green and black.

Love birthdays (don't know if I'll be saying that in 20 years time though!)

On the scrapbooking front, have almost finished my first LO since the retreat 5 weeks ago. It's been tough trying to finish it off but I am determined to finish tonight and hopefully my mojo will be restored. Will post a picture once it's done

Anyway, gotta run

5 things I am grateful for today
1. Central heating
2. Hot cups of tea
3. A win at Basketball on Monday night
4. A night at home tonight with Andrew
5. My 3 chickens for laying us eggs every day.

And one thing I am not grateful for - INTREST RATE RISE. All I can say is What The...????
Sometimes I really don't like being a grown up and having to deal with stuff like mortgages and interest rates and petrol prices. Being an adult sucks!!

Till next time,


Anonymous said...

MEGAN...............think you should go for the "hot pink "crocs...can just see you in them girl!
Nothing like fresh eggs......our 3 chooks are also giving us some each day.
Have a great weekend!