Welcom Sadie Joy Reeve

Friday, June 20, 2008

I have a new niece. Her name is Sadie Joy and she is beautiful. She was born this morning at 12:30am via C-Section. 8lb 2oz, 49cm long. My sister Clare is doing so well and as is her hubby Matt. We went and saw them tonight and she is just beautiful. So much hair and gorgeous squishy smooshy cheeks.

Thought I'd upload some videos of her for my mum and dad and also some pics!


Karen L said...

Congratulations Aunty Megan - she is gorgeous, so much hair - I am envious of course since all of my children were born without any. I am sure you are going to spoil her rotten.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on becoming an aunty Meg, she is just sooooooooooooo gorgeous. Gosh you and your sister look alike! She is so precious and I do love the cheeks. blessings, and hugs, Lou xx

jan magor said...

Congratulations Aunty Megan, your family sure makes the cutest babies! We are so excited for Clare and Matt and lucky Sadie to have them as parents. I love the pics with Joel who looks so puzzled as to why she doesn't do anything! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Megs! That's wonderful news for Claire and Matt, I knew they must have been close!
It'll be wonderful for Joel to have cousins close to his age too!
Hope you guys are doing great, must organize to meet up one of these days :)
Em x