Our very own baby Jesus

Friday, December 21, 2007

Just wanted to share some photos of Joel as Baby Jesus at the Road to Bethelehem. He did so well. Was wide awake for most of the time. He just got a little upset toward the end of his hour but he was just so tired. After some head stroking from Mary, he fell fast asleep. We were such proud parents - I was snapping away on the camera and Andrew had the video camera going.

All else is going well here - busy but good. Mum and Dad have made it to Moldova and are starting to settle in. It's totally snowing over there - looks like they'll be having a white Christmas!
Joel is rolling all over the place now and has discovered he can blow raspberries. It's so cute. He's little face goes red, he's concentrating on doing it. Very funny.
I've managed to finish all my Christmas present shopping, cards have been sent, started some baking - I made gingerbread kids. They are so delicious. We just have to do some food shopping (just vegies and stuff) and we are all ready for the big day. I am pretty up to date with my Christmas journal as well. Going to scan some pages tonight or tomorrow so I can share them here.
This photo was on the front of our Christmas cards this year. Cute, hey! I am totally biased though. Love how happy he looks.
Anyway, sorry this post is a bit bitsy. Just wanted to share some photos.
I'm hoping to get back on before Christmas but if I don't, hope you all have an amazing Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus.
TIll next time


Nat said...

Oh what a special event for Joel's first christmas Megs! And that is totally a WAY CUTE christmas photo too, just look at that smile!!
I'm so impressed that you're all ready.. I wish I was.....
Thanks for the update on your folks too... white christmas will be nice :)
Meryy Christmas!

mark & cath said...

Oh my goodness. He is sooo adorable, I just want to squish his cheeks together!!

Makes a great baby Jesus, however if I had to give birth to a baby that big- oh my!