Even Badder Blogger

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Well it's been a whole week since I have blogged - what a shocker I have been. But I have seriously been sooo busy I haven't even had time to check my email, let alone blog. Started off with spending a few hours with my sister on Sunday night, after she broke up with her boyfriend. She was devestated but since then they have been in contact and met up and talked through issues and are going to give it another go. So I am stoked with that cause that make such a good couple and they both love each other to bits.
Spent from 10 - 10 on Thursday at Dare Girl conference for high school girls. Took 9 girls from church along. Was lots of fun but oh so tiring and very girly but it was all good. The girls seemed to enjoy it. The theme was PJ party so we all went in our Pyjamas. There were like 2000 girls running around in there PJs - it was very fun. The picture above is of me and the girls in our PJs.
Friday and Saturday was spent at another conference in Richmond on Youth Leadership. Was some great teaching and it was great to meet with other youth workers and leaders from around the State.
So tonight I am really tired and looking forward to hanging out with Andrew (feel like I haven't really seen him all week). This next week is going to be pretty busy too. Got lots to do for work and also a bit of prep to get organised for the Scrapanalia Retreat next weekend. I am soooo excited but also a little worried that I am not going to have enough hours this week to get as prepared as I want to be able to scrap all weekend.

Anyway, definitely going to be back blogging more regularly. Will be back tomorrow to share more stuff with you.

By the way, am stacks better now. And Lyn, no I am not pregnant. Not yet anyway. You guys will definitely know when that happens!

Till next time


Sofi said...

Megan, you sound like you have been very busy, girl!

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at the retreat.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been a busy little beaver Megan! So glad to hear that your sister is working things out.
Have fun at the RETREAT! I know you will have a blast!

Katie Toland said...

Glad you are feeling better. You all look so fun in your jim-jams.

Yay, I can't wait for the weekend either...2 sleeps :)