Peanuts and Playgrounds

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Today we spent a good chunk of the day down in Frankston. Now Frankston gets a bit of bad rap here in Melbourne - lots of jokes about people walking around in their moccasins, etc.. but we discovered at the start of the year, that Frankston, and in particular the beach and it's surrounds, is really nice. We were heading down that way for an appointment for Joel at the allergy clinic (more on that in a minute) so we thought we'd make a day of it and go down early. We spent some time at the playground down there (which is huge and so much fun for the kids) and grabbed some hot chips for lunch. Then after the Joel's appointment, we headed to another playground next to Chelsea beach which is where the photos were taken. It was a lovely day for a hang out at the beach. Not too hot but not cold and windy. Perfect playing weather.
Got good news at Joel's allergy clinic appointment. He was diagnosed with a mild peanut allergy at 10 months old. At today's skin prick test, he tested negative to all allergens, including peanuts!! Very exciting news. We have to do a challenge at home, slowly introducing peanut butter to him over a couple of weeks but if there are no reactions we are in the all clear!! Yay to having peanut butter in the house again - oh how I have missed you!!


Mel said...

Great news on the peanut front!! Cade has a mild peanut allergy too - hoping at his next skin prick the same thing happens! Although we do have peanut butter in our house - Trav would not cope without it!

Karen L said...

It has been so long since I have visited. Nice to catch up and read back on life down your way. What a challenge to blog each day. I am flat out doing it once a week. It is good though to be able to look back over the year and remember events. Ones I am sure we would forget at times if we didn't blog.