This little piggy went to hospital

Friday, July 07, 2006

So I've fracture the middle toe of my left foot. I know - what a pathetic injury and it's my first broken bone as well. Walked into our lounge room last night and whacked my toes into the chunky wooden leg of our coffee table. It hurt so much but I could still get around on it. Woke up this morning and I couldn't walk on it without being in a substantial amount of pain. So Andrew took me to the hospital and I've come home with a half cast splint on and crutches. I tell you what, hurting your toe sounds really pathetic but you'd be surprised just how much we rely on these little things. Suffice to say, I am at home today with strict doctor's orders to keep my foot elevated.
And getting used to crutches is not the easiest of things to do. It really is just a pain in the butt (and the foot).

Am supposed to start playing basketball in two weeks so I really really hope all is well by then.

Till then, I'm off to lay down some more and take a couple of Nurofen.

Hope your day has been slightly better than mine.

Till next time


Jess said...

You poor thing Megan! I know how much it hurts when you just stub your toe, so I can't imagine how bad it would be if you fractured it! Lot's of cyber-hugs coming your way, and please let me know if there's anything I can do. I have a fairly clear weekend if you need me.


Sofi said...

Megan, you poor darling,I really feel for you. (((Hugs)))

Jim fractured a bone on his foot about a year ago (his foot rolled). Hope you make a speedy recovery.


Sofi said...

Oops, forgot to say, love the layouts too.

Katie Toland said...

Clearly I dropped off the planet for a little while there! Sorry for not commenting earlier. I hope you are feeling better now :(

xx K